Moving to Texas - Fact or Fiction

Thinking about moving to Texas? The idea of the deep south creates a mental image different to each person. There are many preconceived notions floating about the nation, especially during an election year. Without ever having lived in Texas, one realizes very quickly after moving to this amazing state, that those preconceived ideas are either absolute truth or laughably false! Cattle farms and oil rigs definitely play a part, but Texas is definitely more than you think. Here are 5 reasons to move to Texas.
1. It's HOT!
Truth, but not totally. While images of cooking an egg on a sidewalk become reality during the heat of the summer, the temperatures vary so much throughout the state that it is common to have jacket weather in the morning and the depths of Hades by the afternoon. It is true that the heat is unlike anything most have experienced outside of Death Valley. However, the ocean runs along a vast strip of the state and the areas south of Houston generally receive a nice breeze throughout the year. Actually, the climate is often compared to Arizona or even Florida. Adaptability is key.
2. Texas is a flat Desert!
False! Texas topography mirrors the entire United States. True, there are tumbleweed filled desert-like areas, but there are also mountains and rolling valleys in the west. Lush cattle filled plains and beachy ocean-scapes fill the remainder. There is an ideal climate for everyone! The temperatures vary by region and city as well. Topographical data can be found here. In fact, according to data from the National Weather Service, the variations of temperatures in these regions are as much as 50 degrees in a given day! There is also an east versus west perspective in Texas for rainfall.
3. Queso is a staple, not a condiment!
True! The food in Texas is VERY serious business indeed. There is nothing like a southern barbecue and Texans are grilling masters. The wide variety of spices and styles in each area of Texas is a feast for the hungry. Likewise the regional beers and true Tex-Mex foods of the differing townships are worth day-trips. The historyof this inspiring state (think the Alamo) begs travelers to explore and sample the culinary delights. The state is so large (nearly 269 thousand square miles) that the foods and tastes are widely varied.
4. Texas is for cowboys and rednecks.
False! While it is true that Texans love their cowboy boots, there are hundreds of famous, highly educated and intelligent people from and in Texas. From Joan Crawford, to Mathew McConaughey, the list of celebrities born and raised in Texas is vast. Celebrity athletes also hail from the Lonestar State such as George Foreman and current PGA champ Jordan Speith. With that classic drawl, and in this progressive moving state, opting out of college is not an option for most kids and college football is somewhat of a cult-religion. (see above reference to BBQ for ideas on tail-gating).
5. It's too Expensive in Texas!
True AND false! There are so many variances in areas that truly one can find job opportunities and growth. With unemployment as of February 2016 at 4.4%, Texas is well ahead of other southern states for employment and growth. The GDP rises annually and currently is 5%, outpacing even our national rate. What does that mean? The cost of living and tax rates are very low compared to the larger urban areas of California, New York City or D.C.
Interested in more information on a potential home in Texas? Visiting the Houston, Fulshear or Katy areas? If so, please consider this amazing community at Fulbrook Homes. Explore the inventory or contact us.
In the words of Davy Crockett: "You can go to hell, I"ll go to Texas!"