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Signs it's Time to Move into a New Home

Buying a new home can mean for a change in lifestyle for many people. Sometimes this change is much needed. According to, here are a few signs it's time to get a move on.
You’ve outgrown your storage space
There’s only so much Pinterest-surfing you can do for inspiration on reorganizing your kitchen and clearing out the general clutter before you start to realize that your current space just isn’t working for you anymore. If more cabinets will make your life easier, so be it. It’s up to you whether that means a remodel or a new kitchen in a new house. Either way? Goodbye, random boxes in the corner.
Your family is expanding
If you’re adding a couple of kids and/or pets to your brood, upgrading your home is a logical next step. Aside from needing more space, aspects you may have overlooked before — like A-rated school districts and that sweet neighborhood park — may be suddenly appealing. Don’t have kids? This rule still applies, since buying a house in a great school district is a big plus when it’s time to sell.
The kids/roommates are gone
In the opposite vein, don’t waste money on space you don’t need! If it’s just you and your honey now, why not downsize to a smaller house to save not only on your mortgage but also on utilities, repairs, cleaning time, and more?
Your neighborhood is on the decline
If the crime rates in your neighborhood are headed in the wrong direction, it might be a good idea to move — quickly — before it gets even harder to rent or sell your place to someone else. There’s no shame in wanting to make your nest in a home where you feel safe and secure.
You have a dream your current place won’t support
Whether you envision a home dressed to the nines with luxurious upgrades or one with an extra room you can dedicate to home brewing (hey, whatever floats your boat), it might be a sign that you’re ready to move on.
Your city isn’t as appealing to future buyers as it once was
Every trendy city has its moment. If yours is one of those whose popularity for new residents is steadily declining, selling now rather than later could save you a lot of cash (and heartache) down the line.
It would cost you less to move than to keep repairing your current place
It can be hard to admit when it’s time to throw in the towel on repairs, especially if you’ve put a lot of hard DIY work into your beloved abode. But it might be time to take a step back and think about how nice it would be on your stress levels andwallet if you could start fresh.
You’ve started cooking at home more (or less)
If you never have time to cook anymore — and don’t see that trend slowing down any time soon — downsizing to a home with a smaller (or less fancy) kitchen could be worth the cost of moving. On the flip side, if a lifestyle change means you’re at home more (and spending more time honing your knife skills), a larger, upgraded kitchen could be a great thing to focus on during your home search.
Your kids have stopped inviting their friends over
Is your kid always like, “BRB, Mom, I’m going to Johnny’s,” but Johnny never comes to hang out at your place? Sounds silly, but it might be time to face the fact that since it has more room to roam, Johnny’s house is just a more comfortable hangout spot (or his fridge is extremely well-stocked!). If your kids seem hesitant to invite friends over because there is nowhere to play or no space to work on that group project together, you might want to rethink your housing priorities and start the house search (and bump a refinished basement or big backyard up to the top of your list).
A fresh start sounds like just the ticket
Sometimes, life deals us cards akin to flashing neon signs stating, “GO FORTH AND START ANEW.” If you feel that tug in your heart and are in a place financially to do it, don’t hesitate. You only live once, and life’s too short not to experience it fully — especially as a new year begins.
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